‘Mamma, will you come to pick me up?’ came an anxious question from a five year old girl, on a cold winter morning, waiting for the school bus to arrive.The mother replied in awe ‘Yes my sweetheart, i will surely come to pick you up’. This gave the little one a sigh of relief and the cool breeze embraced her soul. After a short while, the girl glanced again at her mom with eyes filled with fear and doubt ‘You’re sure you would come to pick me right?’. To which her mother surprisingly answered her once again, ‘Yes my Angel, how can i forget to pick you? I will surely come. Don’t worry. Go to school, study well and come back. Mamma will be waiting for you’. Little did the mom know that she would be intimidated once again. ‘Dont forget to pick me. Ill reach at 2:30’, to which she took the little girl in her arms, kissed her and reassured her as much as she could.
Insecurity, is often believed to be an opposite of what constitutes the term of ‘security’. It corresponds to a mixed feeling of constant doubt, distrust and fear of the unknown. Looking at it more closely the word IN SECURITY, states that the person possessing it usually express characteristics that tries to bring them INTO a secure space. The world often sees it as a negative quality in people but little do they try to understand this concept.
Insecurities may stem from childhood or from later experiences in life. The mind becomes programmed to believe that everything in life is subject to loss, is inconsistent or not trustworthy. The experiences that they go through may be the lack of love from any of the parents, childhood trauma, negative ferociously unexplained behavior meted out towards a naive mind, adolescent experiences of heartbreak, peer pressure, loneliness, degradation of self worth and so on. The list is endless but it can sow the seeds of a difficult situation for the person later in life. People begin tagging them ‘insecure’ instead of helping them out of the war that they’re already in. This war is with their minds to rescue themselves from the profound tag being put on them by every person they step in, to get closer.
The trouble with insecurity is that the reciever of their emotions feel caged or tend to give up on their constant expression of distrust despite their presence. As a result, the insecurities grow stronger, and the newly created self trust decreases.
Every person in this planet is somewhere waging a war with psychological backfalls at some point in their lives. If it is insecurity for one person, its extreme anger and hatred for the other and depression for yet another.
The only humane thing you could do for the people around you and the people you love is to understand that every person is fighting an unknown demon of supressed, confused psychology behind their mind. Its just that each of them express it in a different way and we must consider to be kind to every person we meet. Instead of ranting at them for their backfalls, lift them up to a better tommorow. Instead of pushing them back into the deep hole of insecurity from where they’re finding their way out, hold their hand, make them understand their situation and heal their wounds.
The world desperately needs a lot of love to heal our souls just like this quarantine healed nature.
Lets make this world better for each other by first healing ourselves with self love, by doing our part for others and showing that WE CARE 😊
Stay home, stay safe, stay happy 😉